Hellooooooooo! Akhirnya Sabtu kmaren bisa jalan juga ya ga lumutan di rumah, jadi kmaren tuh ke Kemang, awalnya sih rencananya sama Riris, Nissa, Disyah, Ani, Iceng. Tapi sayangnya Ani masih sakit trus Iceng ga jelas gitu weeeeeeeeek dasar lu ceng, gara2 nyokapnya ga boleh gitu deh. Jadi awalnya Nissa dateng ke rumaaah trus kita berdua ngga jelas gitu buka2 internet trus buka kaskus, si Nissa nunjukin foto2 artis yg kena gosip ckckckck tobat nak. Oh trus kita foto2 dulu sebelum pergi hahah
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday Night
Posted by Poe at 8:56 AM 0 comments
New Shoes!!!
Oh iya itu baru pulang dari Plaza Semanggi, ada reunian nyokap sama temen2 kantornya dulu gitu trus kan gue sm adek gue si Dimas disuruh ikut, beh begitu ketemu sama temen2nya.................
"Yaampun ini Putri nih??? Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" iya serius itu pd tereak kaya apaan tau deh hahah soalnya katanya dulu tuh terakhir kali ketemu gue masih seiprit mungil gitu haha masih kecil bgt, trus ada satu tante2 yg heboh bgt bilang "Yaampun kamu inget ga dulu ya Mama kamu sering ngurung Dimas di kamar mandi trus kamu selalu ngebelain sambil nangis2 gituuuuu"............... yak gue sama adek gue udh liat2an aja mikir "deileh bedanya dulu dan sekarang......" Ya begitulah pokonya akhirnya kita berdua muter2 aja tuh Plaza Semanggi berduaan, isinya orang2 kantor semua ckck, mana pas udh mau pulang nyokap gue malah sibuk mamerin foto dia yg WAKTU LAGI SAKIT GONDONGAN YA TOLONGGGGG innalillahi itu mah aib banget ngapain amat ditunjuk2in ya yahampuuuun gue sama Dimas udah geleng2 kepala aja trus menjauh hahahahah yaudh deh yaaaaa see you on the next post!
Posted by Poe at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Early Holiday
Heeeeeeeey! Masa ya tadi di sekolah ada pengumuman gitu lewat speaker, jadi gini:
Bapak2 di speaker: Assalamualaikum, mohon perhatiannya kepada siswa siswi SMAN 28......................
Salah satu anak X7: Eh ssssssshht sssssssshhht diem itu pasti mau ngasihtau libur hari jumat
*semuanya diem*
Bapak2 di speaker: Pada hari Jumat, Senin, Selasa, dan Rabu...................
Anak2 X7: (dalem hati) wuanja apaan nih kok ada senin selasa rabu segala, jangan bilang.............ohmaigat ohmaigat *terus pada nahan napas*
Bapak2 di speaker: Diharapkan seluruh siswa dan siswi untuk belajar di rumah
"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!" (aslinya lebih lebay dan lebih lama dari itu) sumpah yaaaaa itu pada langsung heboh semua, trus kan gue keluar kelas trus bener aja sepanjang lorong itu pada tereak semua hiiiiiiiii serem.
Posted by Poe at 7:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Should i cry?
My friends is the only reason that i could be strong enough everyday, they make me share some laughs, not to shed some tears. These past few days i always pray like "God, don't let me lose him, if there's a way to get back please give us another chance.." but now i added one more.....
"God, please don't take away my friends from me, they always cheer me up everytime my tears are going to fall down. I don't know what my days would be without them"
i'm up and then down again, it's not as easy as i thought it would be.... well i'm still trying to be strong though :')
Posted by Poe at 8:42 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lighten up my mood
As you've seen in my latest post, i may sound like a little bit sad but yeah i don't want to think about it too much. So i ended up being more crazy enough than i've ever remember, i sing like every minute in the class, from d'masiv songs to susu bendera theme song hahahah even all of my friends gave their hands up to this. Well i'd rather to go like that than being desperate every day, and he told me i must be tough so........... yes i guess i can do this :-)
Aaaaaaaaand i've got an exciting news!!!! I just won on the "Arisan Keluarga" hahahahahah jaaaadi itu diadain tiap berapa bulan sekali gituuu, nah yg dapet arisan ga cuma orang tua aja tapi anak2 juga, tapi yg bayar arisannya tetep orang tua kaaan jadi begitu anak2 dapet arisan, itu sangat sangat sangat rejeki nomplok karena kita ga ngeluarin duit sedikitpun. Dpt 550rb lumayan banget kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan gile gile gile.
My shopping mood have been exploaded since a month ago, and frankly it got worse when i'm in the stress mode haha so i went to Citos after school with Nissa, she companied me to shop because she wanted to cheer me up hehe that's very kind of her :-) When we arrived there, my eyes were like sparkling all the way because there's a loooooooot of pretty stuffs haha finally i bought a skirt and shoes, here it is :-D
And in this picture, it's a skirt and wedges that my mom bought for me hehe i love itttt
Okay gotta go now, see you soon!
Posted by Poe at 6:46 AM 0 comments
It's for the best
You say you gotta go and find yourself
You say that you're becoming someone else
Don't recognize the face in the mirror looking back at you
You say you're leaving as you look away
I know there's really nothing left to say
Just know I'm here whenever you need me I'll wait for you
So I'll let you go, I'll set you free
And when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you, come back to me
Take your time, I won't go anywhere
Picture you with the wind in your hair
I'll keep your things right where you left them
I'll be here for you
Oh and I'll let you go, I'll set your free
And when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you, come back to me
And I hope you find everything that you need
I'll be right here waiting to see
You find you, come back to me
I can't get close if you're not there
I can't get inside if there's no soul there
I can't fix you, I can't save you
It's something you'll have to do
It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye
you know I love you, I can't deny
I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I
I know it hurts so much but it's best for us
Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust
So I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry
It's killing me
I love you, you know i always do :')
Posted by Poe at 6:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
You Belong With Me
I'm stucked with this song, the lyrics, the video, aaaaaaa you must see this okaaaay haha. I adore Taylor Swift so mucccccccch!
ckck besok sekolah, udah malem haha i have to go to sleep, byeeee!
Posted by Poe at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Art Projects
Hmmm i currently have nothing to do right now, jadi pengen masukin tugas2 Seni Rupa deh yg disuruh bikin grafik, ilustrasi, komik, poster, sama banner hahaha iseng. But i really like them, i draw mostly with marker (yes the snowman one hahahah) sooooooooo i just want to share hehe. Sorry for this lame post =p
Posted by Poe at 12:46 AM 0 comments
I'm sittin' wonderin' what she's thinkin'
Nobody's talkin' 'cause talkin' just turns into screamin'
And now it's I'm yellin' over her, she yellin' over me
All that that means is neither of us is listening
And what's even worse?
That we don't even remember why we're fighting
So both of us are mad for
Nothing, fighting for
Nothin', crying for
Nothing, whoa
But we won't let it go for
Nothing, no not for
Nothing, this should be
Nothing to a love like what we got
Oh baby, I know sometimes it gonna rain
But baby, can we make up now?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain
Can't sleep through the pain
Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me
Oh no no no
And it gets me upset
Girl when you're constantly accusing
Askin' questions like you already know
We're fighting this war
Baby when both of us are losing
This ain't the way that love is supposed to go
Whoa, what happened to workin' it out?
We've fall into this place
Where you ain't backin' down and I ain't backin' down
So what the hell do we do now?
It's all for
Nothing, fighting for
Nothing, crying for
Nothing, whoa
But we won't let it go for
Nothing, no not for
Nothing, this should be
Nothing to a love like what we got
Oh baby, I know sometimes it's gonna rain
But baby, can we make up now?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain
Can't sleep through the pain
Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me
Oh no no no
Oh, baby this love ain't gonna be perfect
Perfect, perfect, oh oh
And just how good it's gonna be
We can fuss and we can fight
Long as everything's all right between us
Before we go to sleep
Baby, we're gonna be happy, oh
Baby, I know sometimes it's gonna rain
But baby, can we make up now?
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain
Can't sleep through the pain
Girl, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me
No, I don't wanna go to bed mad at you
And I don't want you to go to bed mad at me
Oh no no no
Posted by Poe at 12:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Last watched
This is the last three movies that i've watched:
Well, none of them is that good, actually. Especially Crank and Magicians was so................ umm i was thinking like "what the...... i should've never watched this". Crank itu banyak adegan yang nggak berprikemanusiaan banget hahah trus banyak yg jorok gitu dehhhh, kalo Magicians sih sebenernya ceritanya bagus, itu kan film komedi gitu tapi ternyataaaa (lagi2) lawakannya jorok gitu deh, banyak sex jokes nya. Aaaaand guess what? I watched it with my dad and my 11-years-old brother. Damn. Bokap gue malah sibuk sendiri main hp, mungkin dia mikir gini ya "mampus kenapa filmnya kaya begini dah, gue mesti gimana ya hemmm". Adek gue lebih parah lagi masa kan si orang di filmnya itu abis ngomong sesuatu yg jorok gitu tapi pake kata kiasan, jadi kan dia ngomong *piiiiiiiiiiiip* (oke itu terlalu vulgar kalo ditulis) trus kan gue bengoooooong aja mikir "ini maksudnya apa ya?" trus 2 detik kemudian adek gue udh heboh sendiri gini "wahahahaha gila parah bgt ya mbak hahahaha wey kamu ngerti ga maksudnya???".........................oh shit gue akhirnya baru ngerti, parah bangetttttttttt masa adek gue lebih peka duluan gitu, trus bener aja kan begitu sampe rumah dia terus2an ngulang kata2 yg tadi sampe gilaaaaa astaga.
Hmmm kalo Night at the Museum 2 sih bagus, kocak gitu tapi ngga memorable banget. Lebih menarik film yang pertama karena yg ini ceritanya cuman 1 hari doang. Yg bikin menghibur sih tokoh2 baru kaya Einstein apa-head gitu eh apa bobblehead ya? Hahahaha lupa, pokonya yg kepalanya godek2 gitu -,- haha itu kocak deh si Einstein, trus sama ada 3 Cupid yg kaya Jonas Brothers gitu (eh apa emg si jonas yg ngisi suaranya ya?) tapi yg paling bikin ketawa sih si Kahmunrah (diperanin Hank Azaria), pinter deh dia aktingnya hahaha. Ini si Kahmunrah yg di kanan :-D
Oh iya ada si Amy Adams!
Dia jd Amelia Earheart, pilot perempuan pertama yg muterin Samudera Atlantik (fyi gue sampe buka google dulu krn lupa itu dia ngelintasinnya Samudera Atlantik atau Pasifik -,-) hmm tp karakternya dia hampir sama kaya di Enchanted gt dh, spontan dan pede banget hahahah. Intinya ini film lucu tapi yaaa ga bagus2 banget gitcu. Ini gue nyari2 gambar si Einstein-mini-kepala-godek2 ga ketemuuu haha yaudalah segitu aja deh yaaaa byeeeeeeeee
Posted by Poe at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Danny & David
Heyyyyyyyy i just turned on my TV, and it showed..............
him. Yes, Danny Gokey! Oh my........... i'm still sad that he didn't make it to the final. Well, Adam Lambert is stunning and Kris Allen must be everyone's favorite, or should i say................ every girl's favourite? Yeah no wonder, he's cute right? I love to see him too, but Danny has this uhhhhhhh such a grrrrrreat voice! I started to fell in love with him when he sang "Kiss from a rose". It's just...... heart-melting hahaha.
*bahasa campursari mode: on*
Haaaaa jadi kangen David Cook bangettttttt, he's like my BIGGEST CRUSH on American Idol, no one ever beats him haha i remember when i watched him on TV, i screamed like every 10 seconds that my mother always yelled at me "WOY MBAK NYANTE DIKIT NAPAAAAA" hahaha so what? He always makes me wanna scream, for example waktu dia jadi guest star di result shownya season 8:
abis dia nyanyi kan dia diajak ngobrol gt sama si Ryan Seacrest, eh trus pas lagi hening tiba2 cewe2 penontonnya pada tereak "WE LOVE YOU DAVIIIIIIIIIIIIIID!!!!!!" (i'll do the same thing if i were there hahahaha) and then and then dia bilang..........
"Not as much as i love you" (dengan tampangnya yg oh-my-god-pengen-dicubit) huaaaaaaaaa hua hua
Oh ya terus jd inget waktu dulu finalnya season 7, pada nonton bareng gitu di rumah gue soalnya besok ada ujian praktek seni musik hahaha yak jadi latian di-stop, semua duduk anteng di depan TV nungguin tuh acara final. Begitu mulai....................
"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA DAVID COOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!" hahaha seinget gue yg paling napsu tuh gue sm Mente, sayang si Acchan ga ada soalnya dia beda kelompok padahal dulu trio-histeris-David-Cook ya Poe Acchan dan Mente hahahah, tapi yg heboh Archuleta juga ga kalah kok ya pokonya my house suddenly turned into a big zoo with many screaming creatures in it hahahaha. I still have a folder in my computer for A LOT photos of David Cook, (but Acchan's photos is much more than A LOT) so i just want to put it here for some eye freshener hahahaha i'm sorry if you don't really like him. And mind my freakness on this post okay hahahaha see ya!
Posted by Poe at 12:26 AM 0 comments
2:19 PM
2 days ago, he said.............
"don't waste your tissue too much, okay?"
well sadly, i just can't. i'm getting tired of this, it's like he doesn't care for me anymore :'(
Posted by Poe at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
First post!
Hello everyoneeeeeeeeee haha finally i've made this blog-thing, actually i've wanted this since a couple weeks ago because it seems like everybody have one. Well i'm still working on my blog layout, and what to post bla bla bla aaaaaand i'm soo new to this, sometimes i get so confused because i don't understand the plurk thing, the shoutbox thing, how to do this and that etc etc etc haaaaaa i feel so dumb -,- okay sooo just wait my next post and let's hope it will............ hmm it'll be good enough, i guess? Haha see ya!
oh ya mind my grammar pleaseeee, i'm not really good at english -,-
(i think i have to say this like a billion time)
Posted by Poe at 8:54 PM 0 comments