Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lighten up my mood

As you've seen in my latest post, i may sound like a little bit sad but yeah i don't want to think about it too much. So i ended up being more crazy enough than i've ever remember, i sing like every minute in the class, from d'masiv songs to susu bendera theme song hahahah even all of my friends gave their hands up to this. Well i'd rather to go like that than being desperate every day, and he told me i must be tough so........... yes i guess i can do this :-)

Aaaaaaaaand i've got an exciting news!!!! I just won on the "Arisan Keluarga" hahahahahah jaaaadi itu diadain tiap berapa bulan sekali gituuu
, nah yg dapet arisan ga cuma orang tua aja tapi anak2 juga, tapi yg bayar arisannya tetep orang tua kaaan jadi begitu anak2 dapet arisan, itu sangat sangat sangat rejeki nomplok karena kita ga ngeluarin duit sedikitpun. Dpt 550rb lumayan banget kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan gile gile gile.

My shopping mood have been exploaded since a month ago, and frankly it got worse when i'm in the stress mode haha so i went to Citos after school with Nissa, she companied me to shop because she wanted to cheer me up hehe that's very kind of her :-) When we arrived there, my eyes were like sparkling all the way because there's a loooooooot of pretty stuffs haha finally i bought a skirt and shoes, here it is :-D

And in this picture, it's a skirt and wedges that my mom bought for me hehe i love itttt

Okay gotta go now, see you soon!