Monday, June 29, 2009

Quick Updates

I miss them. Haaa tiba2 jadi kangen, Iceng udh ke Singapur, Disyah sibuk ngurusin teater dan kontes Remaja Cerianya itu ckck emang wanita sibuk banget tuh orang, dan tiba2 sedih ngebayangin ntar ga sekelas lagi huhu......... Gue sama Nissa kan masuk IPS sisanya pada IPA. Ah. Sedih :'(

Sumpah ya 1 jam yang lalu gue nerima sms 5 halaman dari itu tuh, gila ya gue melotot, bengong, nutup mulut, langsung masuk kamar, terus.............. nangis (anjrit sinetron banget ga sih). Udah mana gue lagi meler ditambah nangis segala ah ancur deh pok
onya. Akhirnya gue bales aja tuh di message fb, ngeluarin semua unek2, terus begitu udh kenyang ngeluarin semuanya dan gue juga udh kenyang nangisnya akhirnya gue memutuskan gamau kaya orang bodoh lebih lama lagi haha ya terserah deh pokonya gamau mikirin.....capek gila.
Untung ya ada 2 hal yang ngebuat mood gue baik kembali, i found Alvin and the Chipmunks singing Boom Boom Pow haha click here to check it out! Terus yang keduaaaaaaaa, i'm going to HK this holiday heheheheheh so happy :))))))) ya tapi semoga aja beneran jadi ya, biasalah bokap gue orangnya suka ga terencana gitu haha.

I want to see Disneyland so baaaad, ckck maklumlah ya belom pernah sih -____-

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mimobot USB!

Awwwww i just found these things and it's effin' cuteeee! Omg omg i want one =p

huhu pengen :(((( Check them out here!

Emma Watson in Teen Vogue photos

On taking fashion risks: "There's nothing interesting about looking perfect—you lose the point. You want what you're wearing to say something about you, about who you are."

On her on-screen romance in The Half-Blood Prince: "At the beginning, it looks like [Hermione and Ron are] on their way to finally being together, but of course Ron screws it up. So she's jealous, and doesn't quite realize it, and they have all these arguments."

On acting in the future:
"There's not, like, a burning passion in me that I have to act and I don't care what I do. Until something comes along that I feel as strongly about as I did Hermione—like, I felt that it was life or death—I don't want to act again."

Oh isn't she gorgeous?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Quote of the day

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Grief Cycle

This is what i've been through right now, it is a cycle when someone is filled with sorrow or unhappiness, and a process for that person to heal themself and bring things back to normal. It's been a month since i broke up and yes, i suck at this. Really, badly. I'm not a person who can move on in a short time, i'm not a person who can forget someone quickly. Well the fact is i hate to be a person like this, maybe when i'm with my friends i can forget all of these things but when i'm alone i just become too......fragile. Pathetic. I found these Grief-Cycle thing on this site.

1. Denial
After the initial shock has worn off, the next s
tage is usually one of classic denial, where they pretend that the news has not been given. They effectively close their eyes to any evidence and pretend that nothing has happened.

2. Anger
The next step after denial is a sudden swing into anger, which often occurs in an explosion of emotion, where the bottled-up feelings of the previous stages are exp
ulsed in a huge outpouring of grief. Whoever is in the way is likely to be blamed. In a company this includes the managers, peers, shareholders customers and suppliers. The phrase 'Why me?' may be repeated in an endless loop in their heads. A part of this anger thus is 'Why not you?', which fuels their anger at the those who are not affected, or perhaps not as seriously so.

3. Bargaining

After the fires of anger have been blow out, the next stage is a desperate round of bargaining, seeking ways to avoid having the bad thing happen. Bargaining is thus a vain expression of hope that the bad news is reversible.

4. Acceptance
The final stage is back to one of stability, where the person is ready and actively involved in moving on to the next phase of their lives, no matter how short. The terminally ill person will be putting their life in order, sorting out wills and helping others to accept the inevitability that then now have countenanced and faced.

I think i'm in the anger stage right now, anger is dominating much of my feelings, i oftenly feel mad and questions like "how come he could forget everything so fast?", "did he lied about everything he said?", "didn't every things that we've been through together means absolutely nothing for him?", or "how could he done this to me? i trusted him..." is spinning around in my head. But at night, when i'm going off to bed, i remember again how he always makes me laugh, and then that's it. The questions suddenly turned into "isn't there a way for us to get back?" ............see? That's why i hate this part of myself, this fragile part. I'm getting tired of this, erghhh just bring me to the acceptance stage quickly please :'(

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Fallen is coming...

Akhirnyaaaaaa tadi nonton Transformers 2 di Citos, untung ga ngantri yang heboh2 banget gitu kirain udh kaya ngantri sembako hahahah soalnya tadi datengnya dari siang sih.. It's a cool movie, (yeah sure it is, everybody's been waiting for it) cuman entah kenapa kok gue lebih suka yang pertama ya haha ceritanya ga begitu belibet soalnya, terus yang di ke2 ini banyak banget adegan fightnya dengan efek yang duahsyat tapi somehow malah bikin pusing hehehe. Ya tapi gatau juga sih, gue ga terlalu konsen nontonnya lagi2 gara2 Riris yang ribut sendiri, ga bisa diem banget ckck. Untung kita ga dilemparin sepatu -,- Megan Fox is smokin' hot hahahah gila gue jamin cowo2 yg nonton udah megap2 tuh.. Liat aja kan di posternya ada tulisan "much more Megan Fox" yak jadi kayanya dia bisa dibilang salah satu magnet film ini hahaha apa deh mulai ngaco. Oh iya di film yg ke-2 ini menurut gue juga udah mulai ada adegan2 yang seharusnya ga begitu pantes ditonton untuk anak2 sekecil jempol gitu (yang tadi memenuhi bioskop) . Shia Labeouf gantengan di yang pertama entah kenapa haha.

yaudah deh lagi males nge-post sebenernya, next time i'll tell you about my biggest disease right now okaaay hahahaha bye!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So-called-wish list

Gosh, i'd KILL to have this thing right now.. It's touch screen, it's Qwerty, and it has 5 mpx camera. Tempting.

Shopping. Ya nggak selebay di gambar itu juga sih... Haha but this thing is on the top on my bad habits list right now. Everytime i go to a store i feel like i can't leave without buying one. Ew. Creepy. This situation doesn't fit with the money in my wallet right now. However, Ladies Day Bazaar at Citos is my number 1 pleasure :-)

My bad habit on number 2 explains a lot why i need this. My clothes have been exploaded all over the place, it's not tidy anymore, so a walk-in-closet would be like HEAVEN. Oh i've wanted this since a long time ago, but this time i NEED this, well at least i need a bigger place to save my clothes.

I obviously need this one. I sort of thinking much about beach, it looks like a sweet place to escape....... haha i don't know. I'm just too tired of all the things that's happening right now. I hope the plan that my class are going to Anyer will be fulfilled. Going to the beach with your friends will bring so much fun, i guess. Well, at least it will help me lose my pain a little bit.

This wish list is not in a correct order, and i made this post because i just have nothing to do haha. But i hope this will do come true :)))))

Monday, June 22, 2009

Moving on so fast?

Gosh, please stop being a jerk, just....... please. Would you do that?

It's 23rd June, yeah so what......... he wouldn't be care enough to remember.
Dammit i'm just too upset right nowwwww

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hey peopleeeee yesterday i watched Garuda Di Dadaku, it's effin' cool you knowwww, here let me tell you the story:

Bayu (Emir Mahira) yang duduk di kelas 6 SD punya mimpi jadi pemain sepak bola. Dia setiap hari dateng ke sebuah lapangan bulu tangkis untuk berlatih sendiri. Bayu punya sahabat namanya Heri, yang juga penggila bola tapi ga bisa main bola karena dia duduk di kursi roda. Dia meyakinkan Bayu supaya ikut seleksi Tim Nasional U-13 yang nantinya bakal mwakili Indonesia di laga internasional. Tapi Pak Usman, kakek Bayu, sangat menentang keinginan Bayu menjadi pemain bola karena menurut dia pemain sepak bola identik dengan hidup miskin dan tidak punya masa depan.

Iya itu sekilas aja ceritanya. Menurut gue akting Bayu dan Heri itu bagus banget untuk anak seumuran mereka, ga kurang dan ga berlebihan. Ceritanya juga bagus, dapet banget feel-nya. Gue suka banget ceritanya yang ngangkat tema tentang sepakbola di Indonesia. Bahkan gue yang bukan fanatik bola suka hehe. Pengambilan gambarnya juga bagus banget kok apalagi pas adegan2 terakhir yang dia lagi tanding di lapangan bola gitu. Film ini jauhhhh lebih bagus dari 2 film Indonesia terakhir yang gue tonton, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih sama Queen Bee. Sumpah KCB kebanting banget sama Ayat-Ayat Cinta, itu sangat mirip sinetron dan endingnya yang to be continued itu "what-the-heck" banget. Menurut gue loh ya. Pokoknya film ini highly recommended bangetlah, nonton ya haha ga nyesel deh. Yaudah segitu aja ya hehe maaf ga becus bikin review :-D bye!

P.S, ada satu kalimat yang paling gue inget di film ini. Si Bayu ngomong: "I like Liverpool, I like Steven Gerrard" yeah it reminds me of..................... ergh whatever.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Say bye to exams!

Heyyy it has been a week since my last post, i was too lazy to write anything. Yesterday the-such-a-nonsense-sumatif is finally overrrrrr yeay! Haha it feels sooo grrrreat. I didn't study that much, well to make it more obvious, i even didn't touch a book very often. Riris&Disyah stayed in my house for a week, they said that they want to study and THEY DID. Wow. How could they're soooo dilligent like that? They should push me to study like them -,- They studied seriously, and guess what i was doing? I played the computer and watched DVDs all night hahahaha. If you're wondering how i could i get through that exam week, well i.............. asked the answers to my friends. As you can say, cheating. Yes i cheated a loooooooot oh my gosh (ya tapi bukan gue doang yaaa, almost everyone was doing it huehehe). Sooo yesterday i went to Citos with Riris&Nissa, we watched 17 Again.

(capek pake bhs inggris) Ini film bagus loooooh mungkin banyak yang mikir ini film cheesy2 gimanaa gitu secara temanya udah umum, tentang orang dewasa yang balik lagi ke masa remajanya gitu. Zac Efron meranin Mike O'Donnell waktu umur 17 tahun. Bisa dibilang selama ini gue ga begitu suka sama Zac Efron karena perannya yang di High School Musical agak gimanaaa ya nyanyi2 nari2 gitu........... agak gay -,- Tapi setelah nonton film ini anggepan itu ilang loh hahaha dia bisa ngebuktiin kalo dia bisa akting ga cuma nyanyi2 nari2 doang, dan disini dia tuh omg omg omg banget gantengnya hahahahah. Oh ya terus yang gue suka lagi ada Michelle Tratchtenberg (yang jadi Georgina di Gossip Girl), dia jadi anaknya si Mike O'Donnell.

On my next post i'll probably write about another movie that i just watched too :-D Gotta go now, byeeee!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Hey i've just made a Looklet account, it's soooo much fun haha check it out :-D

oh and remember that i'm new to this so...... yeah i'm really an amateur :))))

Can't waitttt

Screw sumatif!!! Astaga ngapain banget sih udah jelas ga dimasukin nilai raport gitu YA-TERUS-BUAT-APAAA? I don't even want to start studying, for heaven's sake. Aaaaanyway, i freakinly can't wait to watch these movies:

oh God i wish i could just press the skip button.......... skip all those nonsense test and welcoming holiday immidiately!!! By the way here's one thing that i'll do in this upcoming holiday:

Well my Dad and my driver gave their hands up for this, they've been teaching me and they always got sooo much nerves when they sit next to me and watching me drive hahaha they said i drive them nuts but hey i didn't do anything that extremeeeee, please don't get so "lebay". Yeah so my Dad sent me to a driving course, let's just hope that i can learn fast and i don't mess anything around okaaaaay haha

100 truths

I saw this on Eky's page, Savira's page, and many other people's page haha so i just want to try it :-D

1. last beverage = orange juice
2. last phone call = my mommm
3. last text message = Niwa
4. last song you listened to = Just dance - Lady Gaga

6. dated someone twice = nope
7. been cheated on = errrr no
8. kissed someone & regretted it = hmmm....... (yeah kinda)
9. lost someone special = yessss
10. been depressed = of courseee like RIGHT NOWWW
11. been drunk and threw up = ewww no

12. white
13. turqoise
14. blue

15. Made a new friend = yes of course
16. Fallen out of love = sure
17. Laughed until you cried = TOTALLY
18. Met someone who changed you = hmmm yes...... i guess?
19. Found out who your true friends were = maybe
20. Found out someone was talking about you = idk
21. Kissed anyone on your fb friend's list = yailah siapa coba

22. How many people on your fb friends list do you know in real life = idkkkk banyak yang ga jelas
24. Do you have any pets = yessss, my adorable Coco <3
25. Do you want to change your name = well Poe it's not my real name right?
26. What did you do for your last birthday = LAGI TES FORMATIF YA TOLONGGG huhu
27. What time did you wake up today = 5.30
28. What were you doing at midnight last night= tidur dong yaaa
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = HOLIDAAAAY!!!
30. Last time you saw your Mother = hmmm like 5 minutes ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = hmm apa ya bingung -,-
32. What are you listening to right now = Separated - Usher
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = no
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = losing someone :-(
35. Most visited webpage = Twitter!
37. Nicknames = Poe Pongky Ponci Powy Police hmmm............. Lohan?
38. Relationship Status = i-don't-like-this
39. Zodiac sign = Scorpio
40. Male or female?= female
41. Elementary = SD Islam Harapan Ibu
42. High School = SMA Negeri 28 Jakarta
43. College = UI aminnnnnnnnnnnnnnn hahahah
44. Hair colour = black
45. Long or short = mid-long
46. Height = astaga udah berapa lama ya ga ngitung
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = hmmmm yes
49. Piercings = iyalah buat anting
50. Tattoos = no
51. Righty or lefty= rightyyy

52. First surgery = apa deh apa ya ga pernah kayanya
53. First piercing = abis lahir langsung jedor hahahah
54. First best friend = hmmmm lupaaa
55. First sport you joined = swimming
56. First vacation= hmm jogja maybe?
58. First pair of trainers = haaaa idk

59. Eating = no
60. Drinking = no
61. I'm about to = watch TV
62. Listening to = Pilihanku - Maliq & D'essentials
63. Waiting for = HOLIDAAAAAAY udh dibilangin juga

64. Want kids? = yes
65. Get Married? = yes of courseeeeeee
66. Career? = yg bikin bahagia hahaha

67. Lips or eyes= eyes
68. Hugs or kisses= hmmm both
69. Shorter or taller= taller!
70. Older or Younger = older
71. Romantic or spontaneous = both :-D
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Nice arms
73. Sensitive or loud = loud
74. Hook-up or relationship = relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = neither

76. Kissed a stranger = ewwwww
77. Drank hard liquor = no
78. Lost glasses/contacts = YES
79. Sex on first date = yaikssss
80. Broken someone's heart = idk haha
81. Had your own heart broken = errrrgh totally
82. Been arrested = no
83. Turned someone down = maybe......
84. Cried when someone died = of courseeee
85. Fallen for a friend? = hmmm......

86. Yourself = yes
87. Miracles = yesssss
88. Love at first sight = yes yes yes
89. Heaven = yes
90. Santa Claus = errrr no
91. Kiss on the first date = ga baik ah hahaha
92. Angels = yes

93. Had more than one bf/gf? = astaga tidak
95. Did you sing today? = yes, even everydaaay
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? = errrgh too much to mention
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? = again, it's too much
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? = well i guess i'm about to start..... :'(
100. Posting this as 100 truths?= okayyy

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Akhirnya yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa internet nyala juga setelah sekian lama gabisa nyala gara2 tagihannya 1juta sekian dan nyokap gamau bayar hahahahaha ckck. Kemaren pulang sekolah nonton Drag Me To Hell sama Ririssss!

Akhirnya berani juga nonton itu abisnya penasaran banget kata orang2 seru soalnya haha, trus kita nonton berdua doanggg biasalah yang satu anak kos yang satu lagi anak nganggur lagi males bimbel huehehe. Sumpah itu kita di Citos udah kaya 2 anak sma gila sepanjang jalan ketawaaaaaa mulu mana ketawanya 8 oktaf lagi hahahah kacau kacau. Tapi begitu nonton filmnya............. bedeh itu satu bioskop tereak semua tapi yang paling kenceng tetep aja si Riris hahahah NGAGETIN BANGET GILAAAAAAAAA! Gue nonton udah kaya mau jurit malem baca2 istighfar hahahahahah *lebay* tapi beneran sih. Itu aja gue masukin gambarnya takut -,- Begitu filnya selesai, si Riris langsung nengok ke gue......

"Po, lo pulang ga kemana2 kan?"
"Ha engga ris kenapa emang?"

yak jadilah dia nginep hahahaha padahal besoknya sekolah mana ga ngambil baju dulu lagi ckck. Trus seperti biasa di rumah kaya orang gila lagi sampe ade gue yg lagi main komputer di kamar gue bengong trus bilang "..........Mbak, itu temenmu?" trus 10 detik kemudian langsung matiin komputer trus lari keluar hahahahahahahah. Akhirnya baru tidur jam stengah 12 malem dan tadi di sekolah tepar haha.

Yaudah deh lagi males nge-post yang mutu hahah sorry for the nonsense of this post :3 gotta sleep, bye!