Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So-called-wish list

Gosh, i'd KILL to have this thing right now.. It's touch screen, it's Qwerty, and it has 5 mpx camera. Tempting.

Shopping. Ya nggak selebay di gambar itu juga sih... Haha but this thing is on the top on my bad habits list right now. Everytime i go to a store i feel like i can't leave without buying one. Ew. Creepy. This situation doesn't fit with the money in my wallet right now. However, Ladies Day Bazaar at Citos is my number 1 pleasure :-)

My bad habit on number 2 explains a lot why i need this. My clothes have been exploaded all over the place, it's not tidy anymore, so a walk-in-closet would be like HEAVEN. Oh i've wanted this since a long time ago, but this time i NEED this, well at least i need a bigger place to save my clothes.

I obviously need this one. I sort of thinking much about beach, it looks like a sweet place to escape....... haha i don't know. I'm just too tired of all the things that's happening right now. I hope the plan that my class are going to Anyer will be fulfilled. Going to the beach with your friends will bring so much fun, i guess. Well, at least it will help me lose my pain a little bit.

This wish list is not in a correct order, and i made this post because i just have nothing to do haha. But i hope this will do come true :)))))


Muhamad Refky Kamajaya said...

gue juga mau itu N97 nyaaaa tapi harganya mahal -_-
eh iya po, kok blog lo kalo dibuka dari hp sama laptop gue kok cuma sampe gambar poster garuda di dadaku sih? kebawahnya ilang. terus nggak ada sidebarnya. cek deh coba.

Poe said...

iyalah mahal -,- hah? kalo dari hp emg suka gitu tapi masa dari laptop juga sih? di komputer gue engga kok ky