Saturday, June 20, 2009

Say bye to exams!

Heyyy it has been a week since my last post, i was too lazy to write anything. Yesterday the-such-a-nonsense-sumatif is finally overrrrrr yeay! Haha it feels sooo grrrreat. I didn't study that much, well to make it more obvious, i even didn't touch a book very often. Riris&Disyah stayed in my house for a week, they said that they want to study and THEY DID. Wow. How could they're soooo dilligent like that? They should push me to study like them -,- They studied seriously, and guess what i was doing? I played the computer and watched DVDs all night hahahaha. If you're wondering how i could i get through that exam week, well i.............. asked the answers to my friends. As you can say, cheating. Yes i cheated a loooooooot oh my gosh (ya tapi bukan gue doang yaaa, almost everyone was doing it huehehe). Sooo yesterday i went to Citos with Riris&Nissa, we watched 17 Again.

(capek pake bhs inggris) Ini film bagus loooooh mungkin banyak yang mikir ini film cheesy2 gimanaa gitu secara temanya udah umum, tentang orang dewasa yang balik lagi ke masa remajanya gitu. Zac Efron meranin Mike O'Donnell waktu umur 17 tahun. Bisa dibilang selama ini gue ga begitu suka sama Zac Efron karena perannya yang di High School Musical agak gimanaaa ya nyanyi2 nari2 gitu........... agak gay -,- Tapi setelah nonton film ini anggepan itu ilang loh hahaha dia bisa ngebuktiin kalo dia bisa akting ga cuma nyanyi2 nari2 doang, dan disini dia tuh omg omg omg banget gantengnya hahahahah. Oh ya terus yang gue suka lagi ada Michelle Tratchtenberg (yang jadi Georgina di Gossip Girl), dia jadi anaknya si Mike O'Donnell.

On my next post i'll probably write about another movie that i just watched too :-D Gotta go now, byeeee!